Protozygaena Whitley, 1940 ― Physodon taylori Ogilby, 1915
Whitley, G. P. 1940. The fishes of Australia. Part I. The sharks, rays, devil-fish, and other primitive fishes of Australia and New Zealand. Australian zoological handbook. Royal Zoological Society of New South Wales, Sydney. The fishes of Australia. Part I: 1-280.
Rhizoprion Ogilby, 1915 ― Carcharias (Scoliodon) crenidens Klunzinger, 1880
Ogilby, J. D. 1915. Ichthyological notes (no. 2). Memoirs of the Queensland Museum v. 3: 130-136.
Typový druh
Carcharias (Scoliodon) crenidens Klunzinger, 1880.
Původní popis
Whitley, G. P. 1929. Additions to the check-list of the fishes of New South Wales. No. 2. Australian Zoologist v. 5 (pt 4): 353-357.
Použitá literatura
Fricke, R., Eschmeyer, W. N. & Van der Laan, R. (eds). 2025. Eschmeyer's catalog of fishes: Genera, species, references. World Wide Web.