Oligocottus Girard, 1856

Psychrolutidae Günther, 1861 ― tlustohlavcovití


Dialarchus Greeley, 1899 ― Oligocottus snyderi Greeley, 1898

Eximia Greeley, 1899 ― Eximia rubellio Greeley, 1899

Greeleya Jordan, 1920 ― Eximia rubellio Greeley, 1899

Rusciculus Greeley, 1899 ― Rusciculus rimensis Greeley, 1899

Stelgidonotus Gilbert & Thompson, 1905 ― Stelgidonotus latifrons Gilbert & Thompson, 1905

Typový druh

Oligocottus maculosus Girard, 1856

Původní popis

Girard C. F. 1856. Contributions to the ichthyology of the western coast of the United States, from specimens in the museum of the Smithsonian Institution. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. v. 8. 131-137.

Přehled druhů

Oligocottus maculosus Girard, 1856

vranka skvrnitá

Oligocottus rimensis (Greeley, 1899)

vranka sedlovitá

Oligocottus rubellio (Greeley, 1899)

vranka červenavá

Oligocottus snyderi Greeley, 1898

vranka Snyderova